Thursday, August 29, 2013

Young - Intro

Hey y'all, I'm Sydney (in case you missed the name at the top)...Anyway, first week of school is going all right. Everyone here is pretty relaxed and quite easy to talk to. I love how during the first few weeks it's completely normal to just go up to people and ask about them and get their numbers, and it's pretty normal so that's cool. I've met mostly music majors (shocking to find music majors here, I know) and some science people. Across the board, they are all very much individuals. It's refreshing because I have friends who go to LSU and they say everyone dresses in Nike shorts and long t-shirts. Cliche STM volleyball players...It's not always bad but I guess if you walk around and everyone's a clone it kinda sucks. ANYWAY...
Classes are meh. The teacher's are pretty passionate about what they do, which is encouraging. I'm a biology major, but it turns out I hate math and chemistry and yeah....Long story short I'm probably going to un-declare my major soon(*tomorrow*) Still want to stay in this class though!
I'm starting to wonder if everyone else (or at least everyone else who is undeclared) is as lost as I am because that would be really awesome, actually ((~*I wouldn't be alone, yay!*~)) Just kidding, I actually have a couple of friends who are just as lost as I am. I also have some friends that are super confident and determined about what they are doing, and they don't care what job they get in the future. It's amazing really, how confident they are. I wish I could just know what I want to do. Actually, I kind of do know what I want to do: I've narrowed it down to anything that isn't math/science related. I talked to my mom about an hour ago just AS A COURTESY to tell her I was changing my major and she basically told me I would never be able to support myself, and not be able to continue living the lifestyle that I do. (I don't even know what the aforementioned statement even means, I shop at Goodwill and literally only spend money on food. Also, I'm 5" 2' and 110 lbs so obviously I don't eat much). She also said I would earn about 25K a year so that was encouraging (notreallyatall).
Whatever I do though, I definitely cannot stick with science classes. I need more language in my life. I was very good at Spanish and hopefully that skill will carry over and I can learn more languages. Maybe be a teacher or something as long as I'm happy.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I think that doing something that makes you happy is the most important thing you can do with your life. If it takes time to find what that thing is, that's completely fine. If you don't want to be a biologist, then undeclaring your major is exactly what you need to do in my opinion. Take your time. There are plenty of jobs out there for anyone who is motivated enough, so you don't need to worry about that. Just find something you are truly interested in, and work as hard as you can at it. If you do that, everything else will fall in to place.

    -Erick Daricek
