Thursday, August 29, 2013

Daricek - Introduction

     So, this last week has been extremely fun. I've been making new friends, experiencing a new culture, and trying to keep up with all my new classes. This last summer I was pretty worried about making new friends. But upon my arrival, I discovered that my fears were unfounded. Everyone here is so nice and easy to talk to. They all have such brilliant stories about where they are from, and what life was like there.
    I've spent most of my free time this week either at the gym or hanging out with my new friends. The gym here is awesome for basketball and swimming, but the lifting equipment is pretty old. It also has a spa and a sauna, which is great. When I'm with my friends, we'll normally go out to do random stuff or hang out in each others dorms.  The campus is fantastic. The dorms are pretty small, but I'm barely there when I'm not sleeping anyway. The food here is pretty good, but I've been to the Tulane food court a couple of times and I kind of prefer that. The sushi place is also pretty good.
     As a chemistry major, I was expecting my work load this semester to be pretty heavy, but so far most of my classes don't seem that bad(with the exception of calculus, which is killing me slowly). All of my teachers are really cool, especially professor McCay. The new science building looks really cool as well. I'm really excited for my freshman chemistry seminar(sounds terrible I know). This semester we are going to do some demonstrations for some middle school and elementary school kids i.e. we will blow stuff up for kindergarteners, and get college credit for it.

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