Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jump - Introduction

Move in day: one of the most anti-climatic days of my life. Everyone says how college is the beginning of the rest of your life, its your first steps into the real world, etc. As I began to bring my things up to my fourth floor room, however, I thought to myself "I don't think the rest of my life will be spent in small brick dorm room where I share the bathroom with 40 other people." For me college seems more like camp but with a lot more studying. My mind still hasn't registered that I am at college. I feel like I will be back home in Boston before I know it.

Orientation was a blur of faces; I was constantly meeting new people that I hate to say, don't remember their names. People on my floor, in my dorm, in my orientation group, or just random people I talked to in the hallways, its hard to keep track! I met people from all over the country, and even students from other countries. There a lot more music industry students that I thought, they are everywhere! I didn't realize it was such a big program full of such talented people. I am a singer studying music industry, and I was really excited to get started with classes.

I started my first day of classes at 9:30 and ended at 1:30. My teachers and classes seem a lot less intimating than I thought they would be. They have an attitude of "we are here to teach and help you, but if you don't want to utilize that then that's your problem." My teachers are all successful in the music industry and I think I have a lot to learn from them. Every Monday we have a music industry forum where we will find out whats happening in music on campus, in New Orleans, and all about different internships we can apply for. Music is everywhere in New Orleans, and I really hope I can take as much advantage of it as I can.

I would stay the hardest part of my first days of classes was actually finding them! I never had a problem finding the building but I feel my classrooms where NEVER in the right place. For example, my music technology classroom number is 113. I found 112 and 114 but no 113. When I finally asked, it turns out I had to go all the way to the end of the hallway, go around, and then there was the door unlabeled. Of course.

And now its Thursday! I can't believe the week is already almost over. This is going to be one quick semester.


  1. You seem like you're having a good time so far, I hope you succeed in your music career. I enjoy singing also but never had the courage to pursue it as a major commitment. I wish I had. I wish you the very best of luck in the future!
    -Gadusi Crowe.

  2. I am glad you had a better experience than me. My chemistry teacher was quite intimidating, well not her but her class and all the work she required us to have, so I guess her expectations intimidated me the most. I really didn’t have trouble finding any of my classes, to the fact that I goggled the images of them the night before, a true nerd I was. But just think about it , the hardest part is over , the first week. But just think we have four full years to get through, so good luck with everything girl.
    -Olivia Turnage
