Thursday, August 29, 2013

Peeney- Introduction

In the past week at Loyola i have learned quite a lot. I was so excited to move away from my hometown and start new in such an interesting place .  In the car while I was driving here I started thinking "Am I ready for this?', "Everyone is going to hate me", and  "I'm gonna fail all my classes". So when I arrived here I was terrified. But as soon as my parents drove away I knew I had to make the most of this incredible experience to study for my dream job.

The first thing I learned is I can live in a tiny room with someone I've never met who came lives hours away from me. We actually get along really well and have become good friends. I've also learned that if I try I can actually be a good student so I've tried to be the academic opposite of myself in high school and I'm actually trying on assignments and starting them early. This actually has made it much less stressful than it would be if I was procrastinating. I've learned how to do my own laundry for the first time and wash my own dishes and take care of myself. I enjoy being away from home and being able to do whatever i want but I also have learned to be responsible with what I am doing.    I can also, with the help of a cup of coffee, stay awake in an 8 am history lecture class.

One of the hardest things I've had to learn is to be more outgoing. I've always been one of those super shy people until you get to know me. I'm still working on putting myself out there more and trying to be social and hopefully as the year progresses I'll get better at it.

I'm absolutely loving my time here at Loyola. I love New Orleans. I like being around so many different people and learning about all kinds of people. I love the program I am in and how it is so unique and offers so many opportunities. I like that I'm going to have to learn discipline through working a job, going to class, staying healthy and having a little fun too.  I am see excited to see what I learn in these next weeks, months, and years at Loyola and I'm glad I'm already learning!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely! It's so different than high school. Then I was like, nahhh... I'll do my super-colossal project like... the day before. Now I'm like "Done!" the day of. It makes me feel like a good student. lol.
    Don't you live on my floor? I see you all the time! Let's be friends!
