Thursday, August 29, 2013

Perkal- Introduction

After being at Loyola for a week now, I have experienced many different feelings in terms of being fully on my own.  It has been a hard transition because nothing is the same for me.  I came from New York, so being in Louisiana is definitely a big change.  One thing I can say I love already is the people.  I went to an all girls high school and did not like it, so liking the groups of people here is a big thing for me. Being surrounded by so many different groups of people has opened up new opportunities for me to try.  It is so easy to talk to everyone here and I love meeting new people. Throughout the past few days, I have been learning so many new things being on my own. I never really thought about how much my parents did for me or helped me with my responsibilities.  It is a new thing for me to learn to manage my time and my expenses.  I also have been adjusting to having a roommate, which I thought was going to be my hardest transition and it turned out to work out in my favor. 
Now that classes have started, I feel that I can start getting a routine going, so I will be able to organize myself.  I like the way that my classes are set up compared to high school because I feel that it is easier for me to focus since I have a break in between most of my classes. The other great thing is that I am able to take more classes that interest me rather than classes I will not succeed in. So far, I have enjoyed all my classes and I am majoring in psychology, which is another new thing to me.  In my spare time from classes, I like to find new activities to do on campus or get involved with the college.  I have not figured out yet what I want to be a part of at Loyola, in terms of sororities and clubs, but I have figured out it is a good idea to join something.  From the past week, I have come to the realization that I like being on my own and trying out all these new adventures because I feel that it helps you grow as a person.  I think that I will enjoy the rest of the year, based on this past week and the experiences I have already had.    

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said about the roommate situation; I thought it was going to be difficult to adjust, but it turns out I really like my roommate and living with her is really easy.
