Thursday, August 29, 2013


              So, I have just became a member of the Class of 2017 at Loyola University. I was terrified, but the people I have met, the things I have talked about, the things I have done in the last week make me think that spending the next four years won't be bad thing. So, I am just going to ramble about my first week at school.
              Our dorm has become the go to spot for me and my roommate's friends. Rarely, will find you alone time in there. My bed has been taken over by so many people that I don't even I have a space on it. It's strange sharing room with one person. It's bizarre sharing it with five.
              While eating sushi on my first day of class, although my friends don't consider it sushi because I hate raw fish, and I eat it with chicken, I became friends with a brony. What is a brony, you may ask?  A brony is a male who enjoys watching My Little Pony. I found myself wondering what self respecting guy would enjoy watching My Little Pony and admit to it? It's a great thing I'm not one to judge because it turns out he is like the funniest, most awkward guy I have ever met. I found myself in the late hours of the night munching on pizza, watching My Little Pony. It was a weird night.
            Apparently, the Bohemian Rhapsody is song that every college student...make that human being should know. I guess I am not a human being because the first time I ever heard it was on Tuesday while searching for records at Peach Records. Let's just say my friends reaction when I couldn't sing a long with them made me want to increase my music repertoire.I also learned that while I am crazy ahead in concerns to animated movies, I lack basic knowledge in the classics. My movie fanatic friend already has my weekend nights booked for my movie education.
          I also learned that I am allergic to the Pomegranate Punch smoothie at Smoothie King. Of course, it was my first smoothie at a Smoothie King, and of course, I was allergic to it. It's just my luck.
         Speaking of luck, it seems that my klutz powers have increased while being here. Within a week, I have split lemonade on girl, spilled apple juice on myself, spilled ice tea on my roommate, tripped up and down some stairs, rolled my ankle, lost my room key and my school I.D., kicked a glass of orange juice on my rug, spilled milk in my hair (though I am still not sure how I managed that), and nearly flooded the bathroom while trying to clean it. I accept that I am a little clumsy, but this is a whole new level even for me.
         So, that was sort of my week in bucket. Yea...



  1. I totally feel your pain about being so clumsy! I'm almost positive I dislocated my thumb and have bruises everywhere! at least you haven't hurt yourself! its just messy! I do agree that you need to pump up your musical knowledge but that's what college is for! learning new things and experiencing!

  2. GASP! Bohemian Rhapsody is my favorite song!
