2. At least ONE picture
3. Word count (400 words)
4. Both first + last name in the label
4 am on a Monday morning, sitting on my couch waiting for the first step in my big leap to college. Including stops for food, gas, and bathroom, all in all, the drive from Miami, Fl ended up being about 14 hours long. Not too bad since I got to sleep most of the way while someone else was driving.
Arriving in "The Big Easy" this time was different than any other because this time, I would not be leaving for several months. It would be my new home. Weird.
While most people cried upon departure from their homes, or dreaded the serious change in their life they were about to endure, I was excited & embraced this new change with open arms. Elated to leave home and start a life away from home, on my own. I thought it to be very strange that I had no nervous feelings about starting in a new place. I found this lack of nervousness especially peculiar since this would be my first time since pre-school (three years old !!) that I would be at a new school without anyone I know.
It has now been a week since I moved into my dorm, and with each day I feel more motivated and thrilled for the future. College really does provide a lot of opportunities for those who take advantage, and I plan of taking full advantage of what has been made available to me. In this first week in New Orleans, I have taken advantage of the little things New Orleans has to offer; the food, the music, the night life, the swamp. I have eaten out at several (very very delicious) restaurants, gone on a swamp tour (^^ the picture up there), listened to the music being played in the streets, visited the local insectarium, a several other things, all of which have showed or taught me something new.
What I'm trying to get about here is that, in this first week of college I have learned that it is important to be opened minded, and step outside of your comfort zone. I did a lot of fun stuff in Miami, but I never went on a swamp tour, or sat and listened to someone playing an instrument on the streets. I figured out that it is normal to be excited to leave home and start a new adventure, and I learned that I am going to be just fine taking care of myself a few states away from home.
I havn't been on the swamp tour but you made it look so fun!! I agree that college is about taking advantage of all opportunities! You should definitely keep doing that.I think you'll be fine on your own because you seem confident and ready to try new things.