Thursday, August 29, 2013

Frederick- This Is Me

Hi! My name is Katie Frederick. I've lived in Louisiana for almost my entire life, and my mother is actually from New Orleans, so it hasn't been quite a culture shock moving here. Not as much as some of the people I've met anyway! In only a week and a half I have met so many new people and had many new experiences, and it is great!

Firstly, I learned how easy it is to meet people. In college, when nobody knows anyone at first, it is SO easy to get to know people, because everyone wants to be nice and have friends. People are pretty helpful too, which is good for me, because I'm always lost or confused. That's the easiest part. The best part is finally getting to do what I want. I'm studying what I want, eating what I want, going where I want when I want. It rocks! I didn't realize how much my mom and dad stressed me out until I got here! Ha ha. Now I can come back to campus at 2 AM and no one is going to yell at me for being irresponsible. (I'm being responsible, just not at the hour you WANT me to be responsible, Mom.) ((Disclaimer: I love my mom.))

I'm learning things about myself too. For a while, I was worried if I was choosing the right career path (Graphic Design). I thought, "Art? That's not a real job!" I wasn't sure if I'd actually like doing it either. Well, I'm pretty assured now. After the first week, I've had friends who are like, "yuck... Biology class..." and I'm like "YES!!! Time to go draw!!" It doesn't even feel like, "real school". I mean, I appreciate all of the other subjects. Biology is really cool, History is one of my favorites, and English can be really fun, but nothing drives me like working with my hands and creating. I'm so gung ho about classes that I know I'm where I'm supposed to be right now.

I have one more lesson to give. This one concerns going out. I have learned, that if you are of the female gender, and you wear heels, you don't need to take any money with you when you decide to go out on the town. Old men, young men, bald men, hairy men- they will all buy everything for you. I love being a girl. Just watch out for the creepy ones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie!
    I always thought you were cool since I met you on that incredibly hot cemetery tour. I'm glad you like college so far. I felt the same way about my major too now I'm all like "OHMYGOD AWESOME!", and I wish you the best of luck in your classes :)
    I found out that last rule is very true and I'm so glad I'm a girl!

    P.S. you've been to france? awesome!
