Thursday, August 29, 2013

Feltes - Introduction To The Class

My first week at Loyola University has definitely been interesting. I am a relatively sociable person, but for one of the first times in my life, I have truly felt out of place. I missed being around friends that I had formed a pretty complex and intricate social bonds with over the course of four years, and spent most of this week silently contemplating if I would ever get back to normal. Over the past few days, I have definitely felt an improvement and have started to branch out a little more than the original ten friends I made when I first got here.
The first day of classes was a semi-hellish experience for me, due to the fact that I have the majority of my classes on Monday, and got loaded down with homework. My first class that is part of my major was Intro to Psychology with Professor Kim Ernst. It was a pretty routine first class, in which we discussed the syllabus, talked lightly about psychology in general and what we could expect to learn out of the course and what we were expected to accomplish by the courses completion. Every other class for the rest of the day was similar. In general, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and unsure of what to do about the seemingly massive load of work that I had to complete in a seemingly impossibly short time.  I ended up calling my mom because I needed to find an incredibly expensive French textbook online for a hopefully reduced price, and she ended up guessing how overwhelmed I was and talked me through it. Honestly, I am incredibly grateful to have the mother that I do, because I am almost positive that there is no other person on this planet that could have made me feel better the way she did. She told me that I should relax, everyone gets overwhelmed, and that she was certain that I would eventually get a grasp on the situation because she believes I have the capacity to handle anything.                   Sociably, I made a group of several friends and have spent most of my time here in their company, be it walking around the campus or hanging out in my room playing Super Smash Bros, which is always enjoyable. All in all, my first week in college didn’t go exactly as I had planned, but I am slowly adapting and am feeling way better and more myself than I have since before I left.


  1. You are so adorable to start off! You seem to be the exact opposite of how I am here on this campus although. I understand what you mean about your Mondays being hellish, my Mondays are that way too. I hope you don’t let the stress that comes with college work to be too over whelming ! I’ve taken like 3 college courses and lived on Tulane’s campus as a high school upperclassman and word of advice: IT ALL WORKS OUT EVENTUALLY. Next, You like Super Mario Smash Bros? That’s my favorite game actually we should play together sometime or something. Let’s see what type of skills you have.
    On the other hand, Do you like going out? I could be like your personal guide of the late night scene in New Orleans. INVITE EVERYONE!

  2. It is reassuring to know that I’m not the only one who has had a pretty hectic week. Although I did not have to purchase a ridiculously expensive French textbook, I also had to deal with some of the mental strain that a new place and new people bring. It is very stressful. Fortunately, like you, I have also been able to make some new friends and branch out of my comfort zone. Embrace the discomfort, it only means you’re making progress as a human being. I’m sorry that you’ve had so much work in the first week. That’s brutal, dude. Super Smash was the game back in the day, good to know people are still keeping it alive.

    - Kyler

  3. I definitely had the small, intimate group in high school like you mentioned. Everyone sort of changed though, and it was nice in some ways and unnerving in others because I knew I had to find other people who were more similar to me. Also, I went to a super small school so there were very limited options.
    Intro to Psychology sounds rough but interesting. Just be thankful it's not biology!! I mean I guess it'd be cool if you liked it but it's not my cup o' tea.
    Your mom sounds sweet too, and I'm glad you're making friends! We'll all expand our little network here by the end of the semester :)

  4. Everyone feels overwhelmed their first few days of college. It's a new world and a new experience. Obviously school is important and you need to get all of your work done, but you also need to take time to relax and have fun. That's what college is all about. Meeting new people and studying what you are passionate about. Once you start to get into the groove everything will start to fall into place. Also, don't loose contact with your good friends from high school, especially if you really like them. College is a time that you will grow as a person and learn more about yourself. You know I'm always down to hang, and you actually have a good taste in music. By the way, your mom seems cool. - Noel Pilie
