Thursday, August 29, 2013

Esteva - Introduction

 College so Far

I arrived at Loyola on August 17th, earlier than most of the other first year students, because I enrolled in Spark, which is a group freshmen students and leaders  who live in the same floor and do various community service activities together. To be completely honest I decided to get in Spark because I would get to live in Buddig and have my own bathroom, but at the end I liked Spark way more than I expected. It introduced me to a different way of helping other people, and also helped me make friends much easier and faster.
In only one week college has taught me I can be a much friendlier and social person than I thought I was, In the past few days I’ve gotten to know so many people from all around the world and even more important, college has been teaching me that adapting to a completely different culture is not at hard as it seems as long as you’re willing to actually be a part and get involved in it. Furthermore, these past two weeks have not only helped me to get to know myself better, but have also helped me learn how to manage on my own now there’s no one watching over me, enforcing rules, telling me what to do and what are the limits. Even though I love all the freedom and liberty I have now to do whatever I want it’s sometimes hard to know when to stop and when not to do certain things. (For example, going out and arriving late when you have a very boring 8:30AM class. Don’t do it.)
In just a few days I did so many things I never even thought of doing before. I’ve done laundry, figured out how to use a vacuum, opened a bank account, and a few other things I can’t really remember of the top of my head. Everything is just so different to what I was used to doing for the last seventeen years of my life. 
Overall, in these days I could say I've learned more about myself and had to face so many different situations than I had to in my entire life.

Rosalia Esteva


  1. I am so glad to see that you are having a great time! I have lived here basically my whole life so if you ever have any questions, I may not know the answers, but you can certainly ask me!

  2. I'm really happy that you're in SPARK, because I am too! Hopefully we will get to know each other better throughout the year! I may also stop by your dorm room and ask you to help me with Spanish because I love and language and I want to learn it, but for some reason, languages are not my friend.
