Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lilly - Beetlejuice

The afterlife is something that one truely knows what it is. We know the definiton of it but no one has ever experienced it, and those who have can never tell us, it is the unknown. Mostly everyone who lives is afraid of dying because it is the end, we have have goals we want to complete and when the end is near we regret all we haven't accomplished. Even though most people are scared they can still accept death when they come to peace with. Death isn't always the final end, it sometimes can start a new beginning. In Beetlejuice the couple dies but their afterlife is not what they expected. They die and it takes them a bit of time to realize they are dead and must be ghost in their own home for over a hundred years. Even though they are dead the Maitlands can still die again which is just a worse way of being dead. The Maitlands are dead but still have their own problems to deal with. They must stay in their house with the new people that have just moved in, the Deetz. The Deetz are completely different people from the Maitlands which causes much conflict. The Maitlands must now live their dead lives with the new family in the house they both possess and who ever comes after the Deetz. The idea that accompanies death if the final end of something, but in the movie there is more after dead that could be considered a very different kind of living. This movie is basically the complete opposite of most people's idea of a movie that involves a haunted house. In most movies a new family will move into a house and discover that it is haunted. They will most likely try to to get rid of the ghosts but if that fails then they might move again. Beetlejuice, however, is completely turned around from that common senario. In the movie the ghost are the ones being intruded upon. They try their hardest to scare the Deetz out of their home. This is difficult for them because they have a kind nature and don't know how to scare well. It's not just their kind nature, it's also that when the Deetz find out that there are ghost in the house they wish to meet them. The Deetz want to make money off of the Maitlands. At this point the Maitlands become so desperate that they hire Betelgeuse, a bio-excersist. His self-proclaimed job is to get rid of the living for the dead. Another big character is Lydia, the Deetz' daughter, who is the only one that can see the ghosts. She is unhappy and has a dark personality. Lydia says that people ignore the strange and unusual and that she is the strange and unusual, so that's why she can see the Maitlands.

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