Friday, September 27, 2013

wadsworth- Edawrd Scissorhands

   Edward Scissorhands is a movie about a boy who was never complete. He trys to fit in and does for a little while, until things sort of fall apart. Towards the end you see that the girl Edward is in love with finally loves him back. This sounds like a fairy tale, right? Well some parts of the movie seem like a fairy tale, and others, well... they seem more violent and nothing like you see in a fairy tale. There is some violence in fairy tales, such as Hansel and Gretel, but the violence is normally to enhance the moral of the story. In Edward Scissorhands, Edward gets beat up by Kim's ex-boyfriend and their is no moral behind this. Edward, at this point in the movie, was getting harassed by everyone but the family who which he had lived with.
   Just like most fariey tales, the movie had a castle, a problem to be solved, (almost) romantic ending, and started with the opening of the story with it happening a long time ago. Edward lives in a castle on top of hill just outside of the town. He has to solve his problem about him being "incomplete"(not having his hands). The romantic part of the ending is when Kim tells Edward that she loves him and kisses him. The way old Kim started her story was "Well, a long time ago, an inventor lived in that mansion. He made many things, I suppose. He also created a man." This is just like any other fairy tale, with "once upon a time" begging.
   While there may be many of these fairy tale elements, there are some things in the movie that aren't fairy tale like. The very ending wasn't fairy tale like at all. In fairy tales that everyone knows there is a happy ending. And yes some people can say that Edward got to live and that is happy ending, but in fairy tales the girl and boy end up together and live happily ever after. 
   Edward in the begging was brought to this "picture perfect" city. We soon find out that this isn't true. The city is full of gossip and the people are very selfish. They are all into Edward's business and want him to help them for free and love him until they no longer need him around or want him around. The town has transgressed into a town full of harsh people that aren't realizing what is actually going on. They all at the end have no worries about what Edward had done for them or what a great guy he really was. They just saw what everyone was all assuming of Edward to be such a terrible person.  

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