Friday, September 27, 2013

Coby- Eddie Skizzor Hands

The town in which Edward lives, is directly derived from the lack luster minds of the majority of the citizens of that age. The age of denial of differences, and a strong belief in uniformity. Even though some would branch outside of the box, the majority rules as always. Mob mentality , so powerful it can caused by an infuated lie or ignorance. In reality the world in which I live, is progressed into something beautiful . The fact that i can walk down the street without having racial slurs screamed at me , or profane remarks about my actions that could be hardly misunderstood as suspicious. Now the majority is more excepting of different natures of people, no matter what walk of life or diety. We have ways to go, but compared to the society in which Edward lived in we are a dwarf among midgets...... Edward lived in not necassarily bad society, but a dangerous one people who are different. Extremely dangerous. A highly underdevolped society in which citizens concertrate more on themselves rather than others. The surbia had a robotic nature, that concentrated on boxing in the people from the outside world. Not necassarily enforced by government , but definitely pressured, which made the people of that typical suburbia think that there society was perfect the way it was. Their ignorance wasnt even a bliss, it was poison to outsiders, such as Edward.

If Edward where to be put into a modern day society, people would obviously be puzzled due to his sharp digits . But without a doubt accepted by many people. Especially at Loyola University New Orleans. His outside features would definitely be looked past, but still understood, and accepted. Definitely would be an ice breaker, but due to his underdevolped complex conversation would be very interesting. Hard and Interesting. But im sure the students at this school would definitely get a kick out the fact that he is out of the ordinary but recognize that Edward still is human and deserves to be treated like such. The art Edward would produce would be ideal for fitting in with Music Majors, and Art History Majors. Edward incompleteness can be in sense "complete" with the people that would surround him on a daily basis. That is morality of modern society, not just here at Loyno , but in a lot places versus the trash hole Edward was brought to in the film .

1 comment:

  1. Rosalia Esteva

    I like how you emphasize in the power of mob mentality, and how stong it can be regarding each persons way to react to something. I agree with you when you said that Edward was in a dangerous society because of his physical appearance, not in the type of danger you normally think of, but in one where people take advantage of you in any way possible and then completely turn on you. It would have definitely been easier for Edward to live in a society in today's world, where people are open to many more things than they used to be.
