Friday, September 27, 2013

Frederick- Prince Edward Scissorhands

Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands is the modern day fairy tale. It's dark, but classical fairy tales, Hans Christian Anderson's versions for example, are filled with death and darkness too. Fairy tales typically involve some magic, a magical being, and human beings experiencing this magic. Edward could be considered a more scientific creation, because he was made from robots by a creator, but not really, so he is the magical being. The people of suburbia experience this fantastical event of Edward appearing in their world, and at first they feel like it's a magical miracle.

Fairy tales serve the purpose of giving a warning or teaching a lesson to those who hear the story. Edward Scissorhands has it's own story to tell. Edward is different, and contemporary society fears those they don't understand. Added to Edward's uniqueness is the fact that what makes him different is dangerous: Scissor-sharp hands. While the people still feel they are in control, they love Edward. The woman chase after him and the men laugh with him. However, as soon as Edward slips up, the neighborhood's confidence in him falters, and the psycho-religious nut convinces them he is evil. The neighborhood is driven by fear and not knowledge. The sexual predator, Joyce, tries to take advantage of Edward, and when he rejects she spins stories about him raping her. Instead of using what they know about Joyce and her sexual promiscuity, the neighborhood believes her because she is like them and Edward is different, so therefore Edward is the scary dangerous one. Edward got a grip on contemporary society and tried to get "in" with Kim and her friends by breaking into Jim's house, even though he says he knew he shouldn't have. Had he been the normal teenager, like Jim, he would have had his wrists slapped and a few stern words, but not an angry mob. Tim Burton gives the lesson that if you are different you will never fit into society, and different people have no second chances for slipping up. Since Burton himself felt like an outsider, this could be a lesson he felt he experienced in his life, and wanted to tell through Edward Scissorhands. If people don't understand you, you will never be accepted.

The romance in Edward Scissorhands is also an element of fairy tales. The story is very similar to Beauty and the Beast. Edward is with Kim's family, so she must stay with him also. The people see him as a beast even though he is benevolent and good on the inside, despite his dangerous appearance. Though Kim has her short comings, she is shown as a pure maiden at the end of the story when she wears her  white dress.

The bookending in the movie of Older Kim retelling the tale of Edward is also a very fairy tale like element. Fairy tales are often told as stories at bedtime to little girls and boys, and Kim tells it just like it is.

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