Let The World Hurry By-God, I love Pretty Lights- Dylan Seals-Here's my post

Well, what to say. I love this movie. Johnny Depp plays Edward so perfectly, Winona plays Kim lovely, and I just want to yell all the housewives for being so disgustingly immature and nosey. We learn that our smiley and determined Peg is not so peachy as Avon makes her out to be. She finds a piece of her loneliness and uniqueness in Edward so she brings him to her perfect little neighborhood. But those bright colored houses are filled with crappy, grey, closed minded people who follow one another and have nothing to do but gossip and get in other people's business- especially Peg's when she brings home a strange pale man in black. So the town is definitely not as squeaky clean as it looks. Edward is a beautiful artist and everyone wanted a piece of him for themselves- not in the good way. Edward can you steal for me, cut my grass, my dog's hair, and my hair? Even Peg knew she could make a buck out of him. I felt that Kim was the only person who truly saw the beauty inside him which is why they fell in love.
It makes me angry to think about how naive the townspeople were and how much they used him. In the whole midst of creating a new business did Joyce or Peg ever ask if cutting hair is what he wants to do? Then Joyce tries to seduce poor inexperienced Edward and covers it up with rape to make herself seem perfect and wanted. When the women were discussing that on the phone I cringed. "Did you hear what he did to Joyce?" That's where the neighborhood started to transgress. What I also found so annoying is how famous he became, but then how the police officers didn't even recognize his scissor hands and almost shot him. That scene was intense yet corny. It seemed like he turned into a monster very fast in their eyes, as these people are so open to judging what they don't know. He saved Kevin, and people just saw it as an attack, while Edward relived the hardest fact about his life, in that he can't touch anyone without hurting them. Run.... and then we see the Frankenstein mob go after the confused being which is where the town truly transgressed.
This fairy tale showed true love and violence, but violence as we know it. The boyfriend physically defended his girlfriend and cops went after the wrong person. In the end the good and evil have had it and the good wins, but surely not emotionally. Although he is alone, I don't Edward would have fit in anywhere. He's too good for humans.
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