Tim Burton takes on a loose
adaptation to develop his film based off of the Washington Irving short story.
He uses the same title and character figures but he takes ideas from the story
and changes them up a bit to make them Burtonesque. Beginning with the main
character Ichabod, in the Washington Irving story, Ichabod is similar to
Burton’s in the sense of same personality but their physical appearance is
different. The Ichabod in Washington Irving was unattractive and only liked by
elderly women because he was always around to lend a hand and he was educated.
The Ichabod in Burton’s film is more appealing to the eye and he is able to
attract Katrina Van Tassel unlike in Washington Irving. In the short story it
does not mention that Ichabod went through torturous time because he watched
his mother die but in Burton’s film, Ichabod is haunted by these nightmares. It
takes much more than a pumpkin head to scare off Burton’s Ichabod.
Both Sleepy Hallows end differently
which is another difference that they have. In the Washington Irving post,
Ichabod leaves the town of Sleepy Hollow after the “headless horseman” attacks
him with a pumpkin thrown to his head. In the end I think it was Bones that dressed
up as the headless horseman just to scare off Ichabod and marry Katrina. In Burton’s
film, Ichabod is asked to leave the town and he feels out of place with the
supernatural events that have occurred to him like the horseman’s appearance
and Katrina’s drawings in which he later finds out they were meant to protect
him. He later returns back to find Katrina and then a bunch of crazy stuff
happens. Her stepmother who controls the headless horseman is holding Katrina,
and Ichabod is out to save her and end the headless horseman for good. I think
that after all of that happens, Ichabod gains some belief in superstition and regains
his faith.
I think the fact that in the story Ichabod was sexy to the old women very interesting. It almost reverses the stigma that nerds are unattractive considering that Ichabod is in fact a nerd. I don't mean nerd in a negative light either, he is a man of books and science and apparently witchcraft as well. I think that Ichabod watching his mother get murdered was a silent cry with Tim Burton. I think that part was special for Burton because he put a little of himself into it. Ichabod, being a man of science, has a hard time believing that the horsemen could be real but I believe Burton does this to blend the idea of Ichabod being so close to the witch book in the Washington story. I think that was a thing that many people overlooked but in the end was very important to both stories.-Nick ARceneaux