Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wadsworth-planet of the apes

In the movie Planet of the Apes many dualities are created. The main duality is civil liberties vs slavery. Ari and 
Leo are the two characters that stand out a lot in this movie. Ari is a ape, but she doesn't have the same mind set of the other apes. She believes that all apes and humans should be equal! She stands out from all the apes as soon as Leo sees her. The picture above is of the first time Leo sees Ari and he can tell that she is different than the other apes because she stops the children from throwing rocks at the humans. Leo and Ari have this connection right then that strengthens throughout the movie. 
Ari in one scene shows her true feeling about how she feels about the apes hurting and branding the humans and tries to stop them. The ape in charge doesn't try to hurt her or get her in trouble just kind of ignores her and this is because her father is high up in the government. In this scene Leo grabs Ari and to the other apes he is just trying to hurt her, but truly he is just asking for her help because he sees that she is the one person that might get him through this. 
Ari truly wants equal rights and this is shown with everything she does. While Leo is really in this for himself. Yes, he may want to help the other humans and may not want to hurt the other apes if they do no wrong to him. In the beginning he says he is going to get his monkey to make it seem like he is going to get his monkey because he cares about him, and he may care about and want to save his monkey, but he is really in it for himself. He said you should never send a monkey to do a man's job and he wants to discover whatever is out there for himself. 
Ari changes Leo's mind set a little because of the way she is. She makes Leo see that she is willing to help him so he should want to do the same. And Leo gets to help their planet become equal among humans and apes, but he wants to go home where the apes and other monkeys are still caged. This is ironic because he goes home to where monkeys rule and their are no humans around. 

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