Sunday, November 3, 2013

Suarez- I really didn't like the story Sleepy Hallow, but the movie was good

Washington Irving’s short story Sleepy Hallow is about a lanky man named Ichabod Crane who is a schoolteacher in the shady town of Sleepy Hallow, that falls in love with a woman, which leads to him being run out of town. Not very long, about 10 pages, despite this, Tim Burton was still able to create a movie that is (loosely) based on this story by Washington Irving that is almost 2 hours long. Burton kept the name of the town and the characters the same as in the story, but that’s about it. Ichabod Crane, who is described in the story as being lanky and very crane like, is played by the universally attractive Johnny Depp, who is anything but lanky. In the movie, Ichabod is also not a school teacher, but a police detective. The only qualities of Ichabod Crane from the story that Burton chose to incorporate in his film were that he is very superstitious, and that he is educated. Burton chose to feature these traits because they are what make Ichabod Crane an outcast; these qualities make him different from everyone else in Sleepy Hallow, as well as New York, which is where he is from in the movie. I don’t consider Irving’s story to be a horror story, though some might, but Burton took the supernatural qualities of the story and just ran with them. A very important difference between the movie and the story is that in the story, the headless horseman is a myth that is told all around the town, and in the end, the readers find out that it is just a story and there isn’t a real horseman; in the movie, the horseman is a real spirit that is summoned from the dead to kill. Burton doesn’t “enhance” a horror story because Irving’s story was not a horror story to begin with. Rather, Burton creates a horror story from, what I find to be, a very overrated short story. He makes the storyline much more interesting as well as the characters; Irving’s story leaves a lot to the imagination and builds up to a finale that I find to be very lame.

1 comment:

  1. you gave a pretty short response. however you hit key points on the differences between the movie and the short story. I agree the story was not interesting at all. It was full of over explanations of what the characters looked like. I felt the story had no depth and explained very little on the headless horseman of sleepy hollow himself.
