Friday, October 4, 2013

Vielma- Roy the Toxic boy

Roy the toxic boy. An odd little boy who loved everything which was bad for everyone else. But Roy wasn't just left to die. He was allowed to be himself in a way. Burton makes it clear that he wasn't completely alone in himself. The first line even mentions how he did have friends, they called him Roy, not just toxic boy. He had a name outside his real name but people chose his real name as opposed to other characters Burton created which are referred to only by their descriptive name not their given name. Burton almost creates an image of his own childhood. In Roy the toxic boy, his parents are never mentioned and there are no siblings mentioned. Burton had quite resentful thoughts of his family, even moving in with his grandparents at one point. But we knew Burton had friends, although standoffish he had friends that made movies of aliens with him. Just like Roy, he had friends. But to others he was known as "the horrible toxic boy", this makes me think of how Burton felt like an outsider to the world. looking at the rest of his surroundings as an odd boy who indulged his weirdness. Roy and Burton both are odd boys but both don't hide it. They indulge their weirdness and keep to themselves in order to be themselves but they aren't very bothered by their alienation, it seems as though they prefer it. Roy could stay in the garage and breathe in the toxic fumes he loved so much. Burton was allowed to express his oddities and though his oddities were surpressed at some points, like when he worked at Disney and he was thought to be too dark, he kept working on his dark craft and eventually had his darkness come to the light. Roy seems almost literally to be a shadow, he lives behind most and isn't the norm, and even dies in direct light. Roy was also let to explore his loves of toxic things but his reaction to light and fresh air was different than Burtons. But I don't think Burton meant the fresh air to represent fresh air. for Roy the toxic boy fresh air is more a symbol of normalcy and conforming to society. Burton wants to show us that conforming to society and being put out to be normal can be deadly for some of us. The odd can be killed by the normal. Roy lived a happy "healthy" life by enjoying his oddities of toxic fumes but when put outside in the fresh air like a normal child in our society he met his demise. 

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