Friday, October 4, 2013

Allen - The Girl With Many Eyes

The girl with many eyes is a poem about a girl with . . . many eyes, as you may have already guessed. This poem differs from any of Burton’s other poems because he actually puts himself in the poem. He drew a man with black and white striped shirt which is greatly affiliated with Tim Burton and majority of his work.
            This poem relieves Burton’s anxiety about outsiderness and abandonment. It does this by giving the main character a true friend/acquaintance for once. Burton himself takes on befriending the girl without any intention to harm or misuse her. He began talking to her and learned more about her. Even though she was different the girl with many eyes participated in many activities. Burton as a child was an outcast and seen as someone different. Society has a major problem with accepting people for who they are so Burton never had someone who was willing to break from the conformity of society and do the things he does to the girl with many eyes.
            The archetypes displayed in this poem are more of Tim Burton himself seeking self-individuation. Burton set himself apart from everyone else who stayed away from the girl with many eyes. By doing this he expresses how he would’ve liked someone to have reached out to him when he was a child. He also looked for the anima in her. He stated that she was really quite pretty, which is out of the norm for a person who is different. People who are different are generally always considered ugly because of their physical appearance. Burton may have found beauty in her under lying characteristics.
 In way Burton could be seen as the hero archetype in the poem. He is there to comfort the girl with many eyes and comfort her. One could even think further past what given in the poem and assume that The Girl and Burton grow old together. This supports the idea of Burton being her hero in a way. Sometime in between them growing old together Burton Was there to wipe every one of her eyes to stop the endless flow of tears in every direction. Its happy, ya know?

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