So the story goes on , and they meet these other children who come from spoiled backgrounds , which makes them all assholes. This aspect of the film could have been different in my opinion , Burton should've switched up the typical plot, and allowed one the other children to have a relationship with Charlie, because that would've added even more to the climax towards the end. The comedy of this movie is lack luster, and definitely similar to your typical film for adolescents, which is the underlying cause to my frustration . I mean look at "Mars Attacks" . That film is absolutely hilarious , and had me rolling because the humor was "Burton Quality" . I couldn't tell that this was a Tim Burton film, because from my previous Tim Burton movie experiences. Charlie and Chocolate factory didn't withhold the caliber it should have. Don't get me wrong the film is excellent , it was packed with excellent acting , brilliant CGI animation , unforgettable costumes , but it lacked a genius plot. Of course the film differs from its predecessor in the modernized environment of the factory , but it wasn't enough, it didn't play any part to character development or the plot. I feel as though, the film's plot should have been completely altered with a unpredictable ending .It would've been genius for Tim Burton to develop at least one of the other children that won the contest . JUST ONE. Maybe Charlie could've met a girl , that in the end would've betrayed him and his pappy, but no, Tim Burton stuck with the old plot just so he could appeal to our nimble minded children . And to be completely honest, Someone should've died . There . SOMEONE SHOULD'VE DIED. I said it .
In Conclusion , if you want to see a predictable , fun but not funny film. This movie is perfect . If you want to see Tim Burton utilize CGI animation with perfection , watch this film . But if you want a funny , great plot having film. Don't watch this . I'll give this film 3/5 clams .
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