Friday, December 6, 2013

Allen, Jacqueline - Final Blog

Over the semester I have come to learn a lot about Tim Burton. This class has opened my eyes to the more meaningful side of movies in general. Before this class I never thought much of movies and the deeper meaning of them. The director’s life or feelings toward a specific issue in society do matter, they incorporate those emotions and opinions into their own works of art, which in this case is film. For example, before this course I could watch a movie such as Big Fish and never know that the movie was created to show the relationship of a father and son who both have so much in common but neither of them take the time out to realize it.
My favorite Burton film that we got to watch would have to be Big Fish, that movie made me cry. . . TWICE! It was so heartfelt and happy, what if death is really like that? I really liked that movie because it made me feel like I was back in Mississippi with my grandfather during the summer with all of that southern hospitality and country accents. 
Now when I watch movies, literally any and every movie I watch I feel like I am a critique whose job is to analyze movies. I could be watching a scene and the lighting could be different in one part of the frame versus a separate part and my faces lights up because I know that something so small as lighting makes a difference in the entire meaning of that scene. I guess one could say that this class widens the perspective of it’s students, as every class should, but this class is different. This class is something students actually enjoy. You know? 
One thing I disliked about this class was Ed Wood, I absolutely hated that movie. It was terrible, I could not keep focus during that class. I also never understood why Tim Burton always uses the name Edward in all of his movies. 

Moving on, My first semester of college was easy yet rocky at the same time. This class taught me that I need to not wait ti the last minute to complete assignments and especially essays! However, I loved this class so much because Professor McCay was so helpful in everything. I changed my major and even got help with French. I am very thankful for the guidance she has given me. As for Loyola in general it is pretty dull. I am actually thinking of transferring somewhere else. I am on the fence though because this school has nice teacher to student ratios and a friendly atmosphere. Occasionally parties and unreligious related events would be nice... You know?
I wish this class has a second course of something that made us do the same things we did in this one. I love this Class if it had a major I would probably switch to it. Oh! I did not mention Pearl but I’ll miss her too! I love you Pearl! :)

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